
Majke Jevrosime 51

Belgrade, Serbia

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Mon - Fri: 10 - 14

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National Qualifications Framework in Serbia

National Qualifications Framework in Serbia

NOKS is an instrument for identifying, creating and classifying qualifications, in accordance with the requirements of the labor market, further learning, science and society as a whole.

National Qualifications Framework in Serbia

National Qualifications Framework in Serbia

NOKS is an instrument for identifying, creating and classifying qualifications, in accordance with the requirements of the labor market, further learning, science and society as a whole.



National qualifications

National qualifications are qualifications that can be acquired in the Republic of Serbia, through formal and non-formal education and through the process of recognition of prior learning. An individual acquires a qualification, ie a public document (diploma or certificate) when the competent body determines that it has achieved learning outcomes within a certain level and according to a given qualification standard. National qualifications are classified into 8 levels according to complexity, taking into account the needs and opportunities of the individual for learning and development throughout life.

National qualifications

Qualification standard

Qualification standard - describes the content of a particular qualification at the national level, regardless of the institution in which the qualification is acquired. The standard contains a description of the learning outcomes, as well as information on the qualification on the basis of which the level is determined, classified and evaluated. Within the qualification standards, each individual qualification is also marked by the level of the European Qualifications Framework, which facilitates the process of comparing or understanding and interpreting the qualification in the international context for every citizen of the Republic of Serbia.

Qualification standard


JPOA is a school (primary or secondary) or other organization that has received approval to conduct adult education activities. The status of a publicly recognized organizer of activities can be acquired for activities:

1) who acquire competencies and / or qualifications for performing, improving or changing occupations through non-formal adult education and recognition of prior learning,

2) which improves knowledge, skills and abilities, for personal and professional development and socially responsible behavior, improving the quality of life, general education and culture through non-formal education and informal learning

3) career guidance and counseling.



Submit an initiative to develop and adopt qualification standards

The initiative is an instrument that initiates the procedure for the development and adoption of qualification standards, prescribed by the Law on NOKS. The content and form of the Initiative are prescribed and binding for anyone proposing a new qualification.

Submit an initiative to develop and adopt qualification standards